Thousand Roads

A Pokémon fansite dedicated to the creative side of the Pokémon fandom, especially fanfiction.


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

A security token is a hidden key that gets to the server whenever you try to post a comment. It's intended to prevent third-party code on external web sites from being able to e.g. make comments itself. When you get a security token error it's generally because the token expires after a certain amount of time. So if you leave a tab open for a while before writing a comment, you might run into problems. I increased the amount of time it takes for a token to expire, but in general if you're worried about a security token problem you can just refresh the page before starting to write your comment and you should be fine.

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Please keep comments PG and related to the content of the page. For more general chat, visit the guestbook. Spam and other inappropriate posts will be deleted. Posts use a Markdown dialect for formatting. These are common formatting commands:

  • **bold** = bold
  • *italic* = italic
  • [link text]( = link text
  • ---strikethrough--- = strikethrough
  • &slugma; = slugma

You can find a full list of formatting options here, but note that images are disabled.

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