Thousand Roads

A Pokémon fansite dedicated to the creative side of the Pokémon fandom, especially fanfiction.

Thousand Roads Community Now Open!

Last Updated May 08 2019

I've considered adding some kind of community to this site on and off for a long time, but I've finally taken the plunge and opened the Thousand Roads forums! They're primarily focused on Pokémon fanfiction, and in addition to places for posting and discussing fics, we'll have contests, challenges, and games focused on both writing and reading fanfic. It's been a lot of fun so far, and I have big plans for the future. If you prefer Discord to old-school forums, feel free to check out our server as well!

I'll be using the forum backend to add some site features I've been considering for a long time, too. There are some features that really want user accounts in order to be useful, but I also have no interest in writing all the user signup, verification, and management code that would require. With the forum running the user database, I won't have to! Stay tuned for more news on that front--as well as, finally, the redesign of NaNoWriMon I've wanted to do for 3+ years now.

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