Thousand Roads

A Pokémon fansite dedicated to the creative side of the Pokémon fandom, especially fanfiction.


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

No problem. Hope you find something to enjoy, although if you have lost your taste for violence and gore darker/more powerful Ash may not be the genre for you. ^^;

And thanks for all the Conquest recs! I'll definitely be checking those out. And man, you like your crossovers, huh? I'm partial to the Colosseum/XD ones, myself, since I love all things Orre. They feel like they kind of want to be longer stories, to me--there's a lot of cool stuff to explore there!


&altaria Aria

Huh.. While I do feel like some stories are worth finishing, usually their rewrites are actually better. Longer chapters are one possibility. But then again, I wanted to know where the original plot was heading. Pros and Cons I guess. &altaria &gardevoir &lucario &vaporeon &ninetales &serperior


Viola Buddy

Actually, looking over the first chapters of a few of these, it seems that I have mostly lost my taste for darkfic. Apparently, violence and gore was OK for me when I was a child but became less bearable as I aged? On the other hand, the nostalgia factor may push me to read through one anyway - I definitely remember reading Pokémon MASTER (or at least I remember the title and author), though I can't remember a single thing about it; I might just read through that again. Or I might need to read these fics in the correct setting: I did almost all of my fanfic reading as a child in the dark after waking up before the sunrise. In any case, thanks for these suggestions!

As for Conquest fics, there aren't too many out there but enough to form a community (three of them, in fact). I've written a few myself, though it's been a while; apparently the last one I wrote was a Fire Emblem Awakening/Pokémon Conquest crossover in 2014. My favorite Conquest fic so far is Future Sight by CinderHawk, but unfortunately it was abandoned almost immediately after it started and has been dead since 2012. The most active Conquest writer today on is Imperator Justinian; his more recent works are quite good, though the older ones may be slightly lacking (though he's taken down his really old ones). Finally, it's not a fanfic exactly, but I'll also give a shoutout to Bloom: a Pokémon Conquest Comic, for being a fairly regularly updated webcomic about Pokémon Conquest.


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

Haha, yeah, I'm also approaching this from the standpoint of someone who reads/writes OT's. If you're interested in that genre, you might like OC Ash 'fics more than Ash betrayal 'fics; they're also super hot right now, and they have some of the same elements (generally darker tone, more powerful Ash character) but with more focus on the journey than on the character interactions. I think The Sun Soul was one of the original big-time ones, and Traveler is among the most popular ongoing right now. (And if you haven't read Pokémon MASTER, like Butterfree mentioned above, it's a fandom classic! Worth at least glancing at to see if you enjoy it.) Of course I also fully endorse the stuff on my recs list. XD

Conquest 'fic, huh? I think I've only ever read, like, one of those. I never see them! Are there any you think are particularly worth checking out?


Viola Buddy

This formula actually doesn't seem familiar to me at all, even though Pokémon fanfiction was what got me into fanfiction and fandoms in the first place - I was much more enamored with original trainer fics (and still am! Ash and co. are fun and all to watch on the TV show but for some reason often feel either really boring or really out-of-character when written about). I've since mostly moved onto other fandoms (with Pokémon fanfic cravings satisfied usually by Pokémon Conquest fanfics), but I might check out at least one of these "Ash betrayal" fics sometime, at least to see what these are like if they're so common (though if I'm being honest, also for nostalgia for when I used to read a fair amount of Pokémon darkfic, and to indulge in guilty pleasures such as the reasons you list for this genre's popularity). Though, with your new rec page, I may alternatively check the fics on there, too.


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

Ugh, sorry. I got nothing, then, and at the moment I don't have a way of testing the site for that browser. I'll do my best to figure out a workaround for the next layout, though, so hopefully you shouldn't have to put up with it for much longer.


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

A security token is a hidden key that gets to the server whenever you try to post a comment. It's intended to prevent third-party code on external web sites from being able to e.g. make comments itself. When you get a security token error it's generally because the token expires after a certain amount of time. So if you leave a tab open for a while before writing a comment, you might run into problems. I increased the amount of time it takes for a token to expire, but in general if you're worried about a security token problem you can just refresh the page before starting to write your comment and you should be fine.


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

You're welcome! Glad you find it useful. In the future, though, please don't post a bunch of comments that say essentially the same thing and/or spam like what pokémon John Cena looks like, etc.


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

Ugh, thanks for letting me know. Turns out there was a problem with the e-mail encoding that I wasn't seeing since I turned off e-mails on my local instance to protect my sanity during testing. The e-mail only gets sent if the comment was successfully saved to the db, so that's why you didn't actually lose any content, fortunately.

I don't think I even made it through the first chapter when I read it, but at the time I was just SO OFFENDED that anybody could think this story was actually good, ugh. As a somewhat more mature fan I just think it's kind of hilarious. A good candidate for dramatic reading at the next get-together, methinks.



Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Heh, I never read Pokémon MASTER in full either - I read the first chapter and started the second sometime in 2003 or whatever, when it still seemed to be universally considered The Definitive Best Pokémon Fanfic, No Other Fanfic Can Compete, and had a hard enough time getting through it that I ended up deciding well obviously it's amazing but I just have a hard time reading it because there's too much description for my personal taste but really I'm sure it's just as amazing as everyone says.

While doing research for that comment, though, I looked vaguely through every chapter and apparently Ash's father is THE ELEMENT OF SHADOW ITSELF, which is making me want to actually read it.



Thanks for making this dude... this really helped with my "Randomizer" basically qr creating pokemon while using this to create random move sets. :D Ho-Oh



Sorry, but what's a security token and why does it prevent me from commenting so much?

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