Thousand Roads

A Pokémon fansite dedicated to the creative side of the Pokémon fandom, especially fanfiction.


The path to reaching 50,000 words is long and treacherous, but you don't need to go alone! NaNoWriMon love to accompany novelists on their journies, growing with every word put on the page. With enough care, some may evolve or even take on special battle forms. If you'd like to create one of your own, simply fill out the form below.

Note that in order to make a NaNoWriMon, you will need an account on the official NaNo site and an active novel. If you're able to update your official word count, you're all set! The word count shown on your NaNoWriMon image will update automatically after you change it on the NaNo site, but it can take up to an hour to catch up. NaNoWriMon only work for the November challenge, not for Camp NaNo, Script Frenzy, etc.

  • Have a question or having trouble getting the form to work? Try the FAQ.
  • Want to show off your NaNoWriMon on the NaNoWriMo forums? Here's how!


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

Unfortunately NaNo hasn't brought back the wordcount API, which is what makes the NaNoWriMon go. I'm exploring a couple of options for this year.

First, there's an unofficial, undocumented API that could theoretically work tead. Theoretically! It might end up not working at all, and even if it does, NaNo wouldn't necessarily be pleased with me for using it for this sort of thing. This could mean NaNo proper could end up shutting down the NaNoWriMon midseason.

Second, I could do something entirely self-hosted. This would have the advantage of being available at any time of the year, and you'd easily be able to customize your wordcount goal if you didn't want to go for 50k. The downside is it would be much less conenient: you couldn't update your wordcount on the NaNo site and have it reflected in the widget automatically, the way it's worked in the past; you'd have to update twice, once on each site. You'd also have to create an account on this site in order to create a NaNoWrimon instead of being able to do everything without logging in.

There'll be an announcement on this site closer to NaNo time once I've figured out what's going to be feasible. Won't be for another couple weeks, though!



Website: Orange Raspberry Lemonade

Thanks for the update! If it matters at all, I'd prefer to be able to set my own goal. My son and I will be doing it (and I know he'll love this) and his word goal with the young novelist program won't be 50k.


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

It doesn't look like custom word goals are going to be possible for the challenge this year, but they're definitely something I'll be looking to add in the future!



hey, I was wondering if this would be up for NaNoWriMo 2020? just wondering! :)



awesome, thanks!



Thank you for making these and updating them! I love them so much and they really add to my NaNo experience. :)



Hello. Is Nanowrimon still up? It tells me that my account, Une_Jonquille/Une Jonquille doesn't exist; when I tried changing it, it then said that I didn't have a project. I've really liked having Nanowrimon in the past, so I'd like if I could still use it! Thank you.


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

Unfortunately NaNoWriMon only work with the official November challenge at the moment. Right now your only goal is a custom one, not associated with the official NaNo 2020 challenge.

In future years I hope to be able to support custom goals as well as Camp NaNo, etc., but right now the only way you'll be able to make a NaNoWriMon is if you create a goal officially associated with NaNo 2020.



I can't seem to get this to work with my username (twelve-to-midnight). It keeps telling me that my username doesn't exist. I've tried spaces, underscores, and dashes, none of it works.


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

Please post a link to your NaNo profie. I haven't been able to find you by searching the site.





Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

Hmm, nope, that's giving me a 404 error. Do you have your profile set to private, by any chance? I don't actually know what happens when you try to visit someone's private profile, but it's possible that's what's causing issues.



😳 I did not realize my account was set to private. I've unset it. Thank you!

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