Metronome Randomizer
Last Updated November 18 2016
The Metronome Randomizer mimics the attack "Metronome" in the Pokémon games, choosing a series of random attacks. This script offers three different flavors of metronome--"True Metronome," which adheres to the mechanics of the attack in the main-series games; "All Attacks," which picks any non-Z-move attack; and "All With Z-Moves," which may generate a Z-move, even though Z-moves aren't really the same as ordinary attacks and definitely can't be called by metronome. True Metronome will never select Counter, Mimic, Metronome, Mirror Move, Transform, Struggle, Sketch, Thief, Snore, Protect, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Mirror Coat, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Nature Power, Helping Hand, Trick, Assist, Snatch, Covet, Feint, Me First, Copycat, Switcheroo, Chatter, Wide Guard, Rage Powder, After You, Quick Guard, Quash, Bestow, Techno Blast, Relic Song, Secret Sword, Freeze Shock, Ice Burn, Snarl, or V-create. If you are concerned with strict adherence to game mechanics, you should also take into account the fact that Metronome will also never pick any of the user's other three attacks, either, so you may need to re-randomize.
Because the mechanics of metronome haven't yet been extensively explored for Gen VII (and likely won't be for a while), the "True Metronome" setting currently chooses any attack that could be called in the fifth generation and any attack introduced in the sixth or seventh generation, since it's not currently known which of them are actually callable.
Posted December 06 2015
Im using this for a "randomizer" I randomize the moves and I PKHeX the pokemon in.
Don Dan
Posted February 19 2017 in reply to Z4ck0r
Im doing the same
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted December 06 2015 in reply to Z4ck0r
Hey, that's pretty cool. I'm always curious what people use this thing for. Hope it's given you some fun movesets to play with!
Posted February 03 2021 in reply to Negrek
I might use it for a randomizer too.
Posted September 24 2019 in reply to Negrek
how do you do commands for your icon
Posted May 12 2018 in reply to Negrek
My friend and I are setting up a tournament with randomized pokemon, move sets, and abilities. Thanks for a random moveset generator that works.
Posted December 27 2015 in reply to Negrek
I have a Hypno that knows Steam Eruption, Flare Blitz, Nuzzle & Sheer Cold. That Hypno might be my favorite Pokemon on the Randomizer
Posted December 20 2015
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted December 20 2015 in reply to R
You need to put a semicolon after the pokémon's name if you want to make a sprite. Just posting a sprite is pretty spammy, though; in the future I'll delete comments like this.
Posted December 20 2015
thx for this tool, I needed something like this before and ended up doing it manually...
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted December 22 2015 in reply to Refdow
Thanks, glad you find it useful!
Posted March 03 2016
This is clever. I can use this for a chat RP that I'm doing. Very useful.
Posted March 28 2016
I think that you should make one of these for every pokemon type as well
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted March 29 2016 in reply to LowieHowie
You mean can I set it up so you can ask for a random grass-type attack, instead of any attack at all? Yeah, I can do that.
Posted April 02 2016
This is cool. Before my little sister went on Bulbapedia list of moves and used a random number generator. This is so much easier.
john cena
Posted April 08 2016
This is cool! &arceus &ponyta &machamp looks like me!
Posted April 08 2016
Posted May 12 2018 in reply to w
Posted October 18 2017 in reply to w
Hey! Where can you find a way to get a pokemon image even if their disabled?
Magikarp is the best
Posted April 09 2016
I got a Shedinja with Light of Ruin, Explosion, Hail, and Spite
A person
Posted July 15 2021 in reply to Magikarp is the best
So spite isn't an attacking move, and your three other moves will kill
... interesting randomizer.
Posted April 09 2016
Sorry for asking, but how do you make sprites?
Posted April 09 2016 in reply to Happyfrogadier
It was in the instruction section, but maybe it was a little unclear. First do this: &, then the name of your Pokemon, then a semicolon. e.g.
Posted October 18 2017 in reply to xernevetal
Ok! Thanks! oh man now my profile sprite is different
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted April 09 2016 in reply to xernevetal
xernevetal has it right.
Giratina, please stop spamming. If you don't, I'll ban you from commenting.
Posted April 24 2016
I like to roleplay as Pokemon trainers a lot, and this helps. Some of the Pokemon know Metronome, so this allows me to truly use it.
ShinyNoivern99 &noivern;
Posted May 10 2016
I like to roleplay and I use this a lot
Posted May 22 2016
I'm using this for a randomizer and my
has aerial ace now!
Posted May 22 2016
And my
has curse.
Posted May 22 2016
My favorite Pokemon are