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Tyleenia Taylor
Posted November 08 2016
I can't find a signature page, neither for YWP-NANOWRIMO nor NANOWRIMO
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted November 08 2016 in reply to Tyleenia Taylor
I'm not sure what you mean by a signature page, sorry. If you're referring to a forum signature, it's not a page, it's an additional bit of text/images that appears below each post you make on a discussion forum. Here's an example of a forum post where a user has a NaNoWriMon in their signature.
Posted November 08 2016
I got an evee, but I don't know where to put it . . .
Posted November 09 2016
Thank you for this awesome idea! I have already gotten to the point where I have the two codes but adding it to my NaNoWriMo just doesn't seem to work... any help would be very much appreciated! thanks :)
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted November 09 2016 in reply to ...
You're trying to use it on the NaNo forums? If so, this. Otherwise, let me know where you're trying to display it, specifically, and I'll see what I can do.
Posted November 09 2016
Is the nickname for myself or for the Pokémon? :/
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted November 09 2016 in reply to GrimbarkDespair
The pokemon! Your name doesn't actually appear anywhere in the image.
Posted November 10 2016
Hello! I tried to create a Nanowrimon (an eevee named Yvaine) and display it as my forum signature, but it doesn't seem to be working. The picture shows up just fine when I check my forum preferences, but when I look at my comments in the actual forum, it doesn't show.
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted November 10 2016 in reply to nbtlr
First thing--have you made any posts since you added the image to your sig? If I recall correctly, the signature isn't added to your post retroactively, so you'll only see the change on any new posts you make.
If you're not seeing the image even on posts you made since adding the image, that's a question for the NaNo support forum, I'm afraid. If you're seeing the image in your signature preview, then it's being generated and fetched correctly; the problem must be on the forum end, either some weird setting or a bug of some kind.
Posted November 10 2016 in reply to Negrek
Ahh, I see! Thank you, that's very helpful. ^^
Dani Hyrosha
Posted November 10 2016
I just wanted to say this is awesome. Thanks so much for putting this together.
Posted November 10 2016
I'm trying to make a buneary, and I can, but I don't understand how to get it onto my account. I named it Flopps, and my account on NaNoWriMo is rebewind6509. Thanks a bunch!
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted November 10 2016 in reply to Bekalek
If what you want to do is use it in your NaNo forum signature, follow these instructions.
Posted November 11 2016
Is there a reason why everything seems to be a reply to Tyleenia Taylor?
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted November 11 2016 in reply to Dandelion
That's because I managed to badly screw up the comment database on Tuesday. I'm slowly sorting things back out, but it's tedious and time-consuming and will take a few more days to complete.
Website: quothvictoria
Posted November 12 2016
I absolutely love my Nanowrimon! Thank you very much for creating such a cute way to show off my word count <3
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted November 17 2016 in reply to quothvictoria
Thanks! Glad you like them.
Posted November 14 2016
Why can't we have shinys? I mean, I want a &shiny_evee
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted November 17 2016 in reply to Writer202
There's no difference between shiny pokemon icons and the normal pokemon icons, so you could certainly consider your eevee shiny if you like! There are fan recolorings of icons to reflect shininess, but as of right now the ones I know of are out of date (because Gen VII), and adding them is a low priority for me.
Posted November 15 2016
I'm not expecting you to fix this but I need to tell someone. It is quite upsetting that my precious Bayleef keeps evolving. I love the code that makes that happen, it's truly ingenious, but darn it, I want my Bayleef! Meganium is a delightful Pokemon, but I want Bayleef. Every time I see it has evolved, I come right back here and get the code again. So no problem I can't keep fixing manually. I just... gah! My precious Bayleef. I love Bayleef.
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted November 17 2016 in reply to Specs
Yeah, for now pokemon will always evolve when they're able to. In future years I'll probably make it so you can disable this effect and keep them at a particular evolutionary stage, but for now manual correction is all you can do, sorry.
Posted November 17 2016
My NaNoWriMon is still at 13,000 while I'm at 25,000... it doesn't seem to have updated for at least a week. Is there a reason why this has happened?
P.S This is epic!!! It's incredible! Thank you for making it.
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted November 17 2016 in reply to Jaime
What's your username?
Posted November 18 2016
Hi, so sorry. Love this idea but I'm having an issue. Just got introduced to this by a friend and my code isn't working on the NaNo page, it just remains code. My username is Celadore and I just picked a dratini. This is the code I got that isn't working:
href="http://thousandroads.net/fanfic/nanowrimon/"> src="http://thousandroads.net/fanfic/nanowrimon/serve?user=Celadore&id=4652" alt="Celadore's NaNoWriMon" />
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted November 19 2016 in reply to Ashley
Did you follow this guide?
Posted September 20 2017
I'm so excited to hatch a new nanowrimon this year! Just waiting for the nano website to roll over to start
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted September 22 2017 in reply to Rin
Awesome! I'm planning to update the UI and add a couple new features this year, so hopefully it'll be an even more convenient process this year. Definitely need to knuckle down on that stuff, though, how is it nearly October already...
Posted October 01 2017
I'm trying to get an alolan marowak, what would I put in to make sure that I don't get the regular old marowak once cubone evolves? Or is it just random chance?
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted October 04 2017 in reply to CryptoChimera
At the moment there's no way to guarantee that your cubone will evolve into Alolan marowak. The major feature I'm looking to add this year is greater control over NaNoWriMon evolution, so if you try to make a cubone again in a couple weeks you should be able to specify that you want an Alolan marowak from the start.