Thousand Roads

A Pokémon fansite dedicated to the creative side of the Pokémon fandom, especially fanfiction.


Amaya Nyx

Hi! I used Nanowrimon last year and I loved it so I wanted to use it again this year. I have a little Litwick named Incandescent, but I'm well past the 50k mark and it's still a Lampent. Should I make another one? I don't remember clicking do not evolve or anything like that.

Any help would be appreciated, either way thanks so much for making such a fun little motivation device.



I'm having the same issue with my Charmander evolution line. It evolved into a Charmeleon when it should have, but he's now level 90 and is still a Charmeleon - which is especially awkward as that's my least favourite of the evolutionary line... a fix would be appreciated but either way thanks for making these. I love the extra motivation of levelling up my pokemon :)


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

Unfortunately not. The YWP does not use the same wordcount API as the main NaNo event, so it's not compatible with these or any other third-party wordcounters.


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

Hey, Larissa! ;)

You actually should have been able to create an Alolan ninetales without a problem, but the preview code wasn't set up to handle alternate forms, so it would always show the regular ninetales in the preview. Should be fixed!



Hi, I was trying to sign up for this but it can't seem to find my account. It's H^2quared I've already set up my novel and input my word count in the NaNoWriMo website, so that's not the problem.


if the seas were ink

Hi! I'm really loving my NaNoWriMon, it's a massive help for motivation! I've got to level 50 though, and my charmeleon still hasn't evolved into charizard. I'm pretty sure I had all the boxes for evolutions correctly ticked, so I'm not sure whether this is a bug, or if I made a mistake without realising it when I was setting it up?

My username is: if the seas were ink Pokemon's name: Marshmallow

If you get a chance to have a look at this I'd be really grateful, if not then thanks for making such a cool little motivator anyway!




Hey, Negrek!

Was trying to make one of these with Alola Ninetales, but I keep getting regular Ninetales despite picking it on the form. And I mean, I love all Ninetales, but it seems like a bug.

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