Thousand Roads

A Pokémon fansite dedicated to the creative side of the Pokémon fandom, especially fanfiction.



I love this site. I get a new Pokémon every November! I just realized my Houndour just evolved into a Mega Houndoom. How does that happen over the regular evolution path? Just curious since this was the first time I've seen it. Thanks for providing this fun part of my NaNo experience every year. :D



The site is FlightRising and I think the issue is that the BBC code doesn't have .jpg or .png identifying it as an image.

Which is strange because I was able to get it to work last year.



Trying to get a Jangmo-o, and while it'll populate the Form and Evolution bits, it's not showing a preview. I hit confirm, and it sends me to the error page.


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

Are you entering "ghost" for the Species field? When I do that using your username, it does give an error message. If not, can you tell me exactly what you're putting in that field?

Regardless, what you should be putting there is the name of a specific pokémon that you want, like Gastly, Giratina, Sandygast, etc., rather than a general type. The field only knows pokémon names!


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

What site is it? If the link works but the image doesn't, it suggests that there's something nonstandard about the BBCode the site uses, or restrictions on the kinds of images you can have in your signature.



Website: Nanowrimo

Hey, I am also having issues. I have the nanowrimo name, demonic_rose. I have my novel and everything and have even updated my word count. I type in my name, put in ghost for type and then the name but, it doesn't give me anything. It just seems to refresh the page? It doesn't give me an error, just nothing shows up.


Amanda Carver

Hi, I'm trying to use the BBC link on another site I frequent but the actual image isn't showing up. It just shows the below -


The link works, when I click on the code it takes me to your site, but the icon isn't translating for some reason. I'm not sure if I need to adjust anything on my end so I thought I would ask.


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

Hmmm, the Wordcount API for that ID does say there's no novel. Could you post a link to your user profile? I think this might be an issue that's popped up once or twice before that has to do with old user ID's getting overwritten by new ones.


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

Could you be more specific? When you try to paste the code into your signature, what happens: does it stay blank? Broken image? Code instead of picture?

Also, what's your NaNo username?



Hi, I tried creating one and it says I havent entered a novel for this season even though I have. My username on NaNoWriMo is minty-fresh. Thank you!


still orangasaur

Hi I read the FAQ like I was supposed to and fixed it myself. Sorry!



Hi! Trying to get the signature to work and it's not showing the image, just the lines of code. It pulled up my account though and knows my word count. Any ideas?



Working now, thank you! :)

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