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Posted November 02 2016
My username is full_moon_forever and I want a nidoran female as my NaNoWriMon. Whenever I enter my information, the picture never loads, and if I hit confirm I get the message to post here. Can you please help me?
Mr. Pinkins
Posted November 02 2016 on NaNoWriMon
I've tried pasting both of the BBC code and the HTML code into my signature, but neither one seems to be working. It just shows up as the code, not the little status image. Am I missing a step?
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted November 02 2016 in reply to Rose Falcon
Heh, I guess I stand corrected on the username character limit, then! The script will accept your username now.
Posted November 01 2016 on NaNoWriMon
I got my Umbreon working! Thank you so much :) Can't wait to see it evolved.
Posted November 01 2016 on NaNoWriMon
This is so cool! Don't mind me, I just discovered this site and it's pretty fun to just poke around it haha. I want a NaNoWriMon, but for this year's NaNoWriMo I'm just targeting 50,000 words of anything by the end of the month (so I'm technically not writing a novel - I just hope to hit 50,000 words with a combination of fics). I'm not sure if the NaNoWriMo site allows for this, so I'll go check now. I'll definitely bookmark this page, though. 8>
Posted November 01 2016 on PMD Personality Test
This is so accurate OMG. Cubone is me 100%. I've never played a single PMD game though. ^^;
Posted November 01 2016 on NaNoWriMon in reply to Silver
This is such a wonderful idea! Thank you so much for putting it together, I entered my stuff and it seems to be working for me. Looking forward to my little buddy evolving as I write!
Rose Falcon
Posted November 01 2016
Hey my name on the nano website is slow-and-slightly-annoyed-flower yet when i enter it onto the sit it wont let me enter it as apparently no usernames are that long?
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted November 01 2016 in reply to knavality
Not at the moment, no. The green background is just the background that shows up on the summary screen in X/Y; I may change it to the Gen VII background for next year. (iirc it's still green, albeit... less.) In some future year I may introduce the option of doing more visual customization, but that's a very low priority right now.
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted November 01 2016 on NaNoWriMon in reply to badwolfgirl01
Yeah, managed to introduce this problem while fixing a bug earlier. It should be corrected, and your pokemon are now male. The change will show up the next time your word count updates.
Negrek Admin
Website: Thousand Roads
Posted November 01 2016 on NaNoWriMon in reply to castra
You have the fennekin named Karen, right? You want it changed to male?
Website: None
Posted November 01 2016
Hi!! i love your nano-pokemon thing, i'm just wondering if there's a way to change the overall green color of it? not to be a bother, though
Posted November 01 2016 on NaNoWriMon in reply to hopeakaarme
Same for my charmander
Posted November 01 2016 on NaNoWriMon
Really love this, thank you!
Posted November 01 2016 on NaNoWriMon in reply to hopeakaarme
the same thing happened to me too: I checked male but it ended up being female anyway