Thousand Roads

A Pokémon fansite dedicated to the creative side of the Pokémon fandom, especially fanfiction.



I'm not sure what was wrong with it; it wasn't showing the image at all, just the little box it shows when an image is broken. Anyway, the second code you gave me worked. Thank you so much :)


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

Hmm, that is strange. It definitely went down in the database as female.

I changed it to male, but the change won't show up until the next time you update your word count.


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

Hmm, no, the images should work fine on any site, and I've been able to put them in my signature on BBCode-using forums before. What problem do you have when you try to include it? Does it show a broken image, or the actual code itself?

Anyway, you can try this code:


If that doesn't work, perhaps this one will instead:





First off, thanks for doing such a cool thing! I can't wait to write together with my little mon. A question, though -- I picked male for my pokemon, but it's showing the female sign on the graphic. I even double-checked, and I definitely picked male, yet somehow it ended up female anyway?



Hello~ Thank you for creating this! It'll certainly keep me going this year!

But I tried to share my mon on another site - Gaia Online actually - and it doesn't seem to be showing up in the signature there? Gaia uses BBC on its forums so I just copied and pasted it but it doesn't appear to be working. Does it not work on other sites? I wanted to use it there because I'm also very active in the Nano community on Gaia as well...


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

At the moment there's no way for a user to change a NaNoWriMon's attributes after creating it, but I manually made the vulpix female for you.



Hi, I really hate to be a bother, but is there any way to change the gender of a NaNoWriMon once it's been created? I meant to create a female Vulpix but accidentally created a male Vulpix instead.



i'm trying to make a nano word counter (w/ a sylveon ) and it said there was an application error ?


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

Glad it ended up working out for you! You stumbled on a very obscure bug, so no, there was nothing you did wrong the first time around. It should be fixed now.


Negrek Admin

Website: Thousand Roads

Yes, I'll be adding Gen VII and Alola forms as soon as possible. I was actually hoping it would be possible to rip the necessary data from the demo so I could put them in before the start of this November, heh, but it hasn't worked out that way.

Basically, I need two things to be able to add a new generation to the system:

  1. The English names for all the new species
  2. Icon rips of the new species and Alola forms

We should get 1 right at the release of the game if not earlier, but 2 depends on the priorities of people ripping data from the game and could take hours to weeks to be complete. One way or another, I won't be able to add anything until the final third of November, so the new generation probably won't be relevant to the majority of people NaNoing this year. It will be available from the start in 2017, though!



This their account I believe: Jess, you'll have to sign up to this site with j-crowson as your "username" as I don't believe it allows for "." and spaces in HTML, good luck!



All right, thank you very much! Lovely site you have here. It's so calming ^////^

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